Sweepstakes and Contest Management: What Happens After Your Campaign Goes Live?

Sweepstakes and contests are concentrated bursts of engagement that pay off for brands in multiple ways. By hiring a sweepstakes and contest management company, you can ensure that your sweepstakes or contest campaign is specifically designed to:

  • Deliver a sales boost
  • Increase brand awareness about your product or service
  • Improve your company’s reputation
  • Gather participants data

Also, running a sweepstakes with help of a sweepstakes company is pretty straightforward. Select a prize, give away a prize, and get lots of leads and sales, right?

However, once your sweepstakes campaign goes live, what happens?

More importantly, what should key performance indicators (KPIs) should you pay attention to? In fact, there are a lot of things that happen during sweepstakes management to get you results!

Here’s What Happens During a Live Sweepstakes or Contest Campaign

Discover everything you need know about what happens to get you leads and sales once your sweepstakes goes live with our Sweeppea Sweepstakes Platform or under full-service sweepstakes administration and what to track.

Your Fans Complete the Contest or Sweepstakes Entry Form

Sweepstakes entry forms make it easy for your sweepstakes participants to enter your promotion. They also can collect participant information, such as mobile phone number, email, and address. This participant data can be immediately used to welcome participants to your brand and your products and services.

The sweepstakes form template can be completely customized as a part of our self-service platform or our full-service sweepstakes administration which will enable you to collect the data that you need.

Also Read: Sweepstakes Management: Full Administration vs Self Service?

Participants Complete Your Survey

A sweepstakes or contest is also a useful tool for increasing survey participation because you can ask participants to complete a survey as a part of the entry process.

After your sweepstakes goes live, entrants submit their answers to your survey. Then you’ll be able to use the collected data to gain further insights into the demographics and behaviors of your potential and existing customers.

Also Read: What to Include on a Sweepstakes Survey

Survey with Sweepstakes Incentive

Participants Engage With Your Sweepstakes Follow Up Messages

Announcing your sweepstakes is only the beginning. Throughout your sweepstakes or contest, you need to be with your participants every step of the way.

With sweepstakes and contest management for your campaign from Sweeppea, you’ll be able to automate sharing updates and reminders with them via text message and email.

Also Read: How to Use a Sweepstakes or Contest to Build Your Email List

Why is this so important? Follow up messages keep sweepstakes entrants engaged and on the lookout for updates from your brand. Then when you send discounts, coupons and other offers during or after the campaign, participants will be sure to take advantage!

10%OFF Email To New Sweepstakes Participants
Entry Confirmation Page “Thank You Page” offers a coupon to all participants.

The easiest way to get tons of participants for your sweepstakes is to share it with your fans on social media. With full-service sweepstakes administration, your participants will be able to easily share your campaign so that it goes viral and attracts thousands of participants to enter.

Sweepstakes Participants Share Your Campaign on Social Media

The more people that see your sweepstakes, the closer you’ll be to achieving your sweepstakes or contest campaign goals. Now that you know what happens during a sweepstakes, the next step is to make sure that you are tracking your results!

Key Performance Indicators to Track During Your Sweepstakes Campaign

Not sure what to track during your sweepstakes campaign? Here are some examples of marketing KPIs to track during your sweepstakes campaign.

Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)

If sweepstakes participants are nurtured correctly, they eventually become sales qualified leads. An SQL is a prospective customer that is interested in making a purchase from your brand.

This is a useful marketing KPI for a sweepstakes because it can help determine how many of the leads you receive for a sweepstakes end up as prospective customers and actual customers.

This can be easily achieved by asking the participants a question like:

  1. Are you interested in purchasing [product/service]?
  2. Are you interested in learning more about our [product/service]?
  3. Which one do you like the most?
  4. Are you looking to buy a [product/service] in the next 30, 60 or 90 days?

Social Media Engagement

One of the main KPIs for social media is engagement. Sweepstakes are designed to be shared on social media so that you can spread awareness about your campaign, virally. Sweepstakes also help you to engage with your fans on social media.

As a result, you can track, shares, likes, comments, messages, tags or mentions. Any way that a fan chooses to interact with your sweepstakes campaign, you can consider it as engagement. 

Measuring the engagement of your fans over time can help you analyze the success of your sweepstakes campaigns and help you to decide when the best times are to run them.

Follower Growth

When it comes to sweepstakes that are advertised on social media, a helpful marketing KPI to track is the growth of followers of your brand. 

Most likely one of the goals of your sweepstakes campaign is to increase brand awareness and engagement with your social media audience. Measuring the increase of your followers is a great way to determine success for those goals.

Also Read: Guidelines for Running a TikTok Contest

Website Visitors

Website visitors is an important KPI to measure for a sweepstakes campaign because you’ll be able to determine how effective your sweepstakes is at turning fans into potential customers. 

For instance, if you are promoting a product launch, you should track the fans that both visit your website and subscribe to your social media channels so that you can reach out to these prospects first in your re-marketing efforts.

Event Attendance

If you’re running an event, such as a concert or trade show, then you’ll most likely track event attendance as a KPI. By tracking this, you’ll be able to determine how many people participated in your sweepstakes versus the number of attendees.

Need help with sweepstakes or contest management? Call 305-505-5393 or email us with your questions.
