Louisiana Shot At A Million Official Rules

I. General Entry Information:

From June 21, 2021 through July 31, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDT (the “Promotional Period”), eligible individuals may enter the Shot At A Million Promotion, sometimes herein after referred to as “Louisiana Vaccine Promotion” or “Promotion”.

The drawings will be conducted weekly, for four (4) weeks, with the first winner(s) announced beginning on July 16, 2021.

Eligible individuals 18 years of age and older may enter for a chance to win one of four $100,000 cash prizes and a chance to win a grand prize of $1,000,000 cash.

Eligible individuals 12 to 17 years of age may enter for a chance to win one of nine $100,000 scholarships.

There will be two (2) drawings each week for the first four weeks: one drawing for the $100,000 cash drawing for eligible individuals ages 18 and up, and one $100,000 scholarship drawing for eligible individuals ages 12to 17. Additionally, there will be a grand prize drawing for a $1,000,000 cash prize for eligible individuals 18 years or age and older, and a grand prize drawing for five (5) $100,000 scholarships for eligible individuals 12 to 17 years old. Entrants will be placed in a drawing pool based on their age as of the entry end date noted in the chart below.

The winners will be announced and posted on the ShotAtAMillion.com website after the announcement in accordance with the following tentative drawing announcement schedule; however, the announcement dates listed below are subject to change and may be delayed due to the verification of information and eligibility of potential winners.

July 9, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDTJuly 14, 2021July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDTJuly 21, 2021July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDTJuly 28, 2021July 30, 2021
July 30, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDTAug 4, 2021August 6, 2021
*July 31, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDTAug 6, 2021August 13, 2021

Entry must be completed through http://www.shotatamillion.com/ by July 31, 2021 at 11:59:59 CDT to participate in at least one of the drawings. All required information on the entry form must be submitted to complete the entry/registration; incomplete entries and registration will not be accepted or eligible for prizes.

By successfully transmitting a completed online entry form, with the appropriate information as directed, each participant will be entered into the Promotion.

If an individual does not have access to the internet, the individual may call the Louisiana Department of Health (“LDH”) call center, which is open Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CDT and Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and can be reached at 1-877-356-1511. The individual must provide all required information and request to be entered into the drawing. Entries must be received by July 31, 2021 at 11:59:59 p.m. CDT, to be eligible to participate in at least one of the drawings.

II. One entry per person:

Eligible individuals can only submit one (1) entry into the drawings. Prior to the drawings being held the entry list will be reviewed, and all duplicate entries removed.

All information submitted online by entrants is subject to, and will be treated in a manner consistent with, the State of Louisiana’s Privacy Policy, which is currently accessible at: https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/4183.

III. One award per person:

An eligible individual can win only one prize in this Louisiana Vaccine Promotion, Shot At A Million. Once an individual is selected as a winner, his/her name will be removed from future drawings for the Shot At A Million Promotion.

IV. Eligibility:A. 12-17 years of age

An individual who is 12 years to 17 years of age as determined at the time of the relevant entry end date is eligible to participate in the Shot At A Million Promotion and enter for a chance to win one of nine scholarships for educational purposes, if the individual meets all of the following requirements at the time of Entry End Date:

  1. The individual is a living citizen of the United States at the time of eligibility verification;
  2. The individual is 12 to 17 years of age;
  3. The individual is a resident of the State of Louisiana;
  4. The individual is not incarcerated (in prison or jail) for a felony conviction under the laws of this state, another state, or the United States, at the time of vaccination, entry/registration, drawing, announcement, or receipt of prize;
  5. The individual has received at least one dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine;
  6. The individual’s vaccination record can be found in the Louisiana vaccination registry, or is otherwise verifiable by the individual’s vaccination provider or another state or federal entity;
  7. The individual is not an excluded or ineligible person described in Section IV.C below entitled “Excluded or Ineligible Persons”.

B. 18 years and older

An individual age 18 years of age and older is eligible to participate in the Shot At A Million Promotion and enter for a chance to win any of the cash prizes, if the individual meets all of the following requirements at the time of Entry End Date:

  1. The individual is a living citizen of the United States at the time of eligibility verification;
  2. The individual is 18 years of age or older;
  3. The individual is a resident of the State of Louisiana;
  4. The individual is not incarcerated (in prison or jail) for a felony conviction under the laws of this state, another state, or the United States, at the time of vaccination, entry/registration, drawing, announcement, or receipt of prize;
  5. The individual has received at least the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine if receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or one dose if receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine;
  6. The individual’s vaccination record can be found in the Louisiana vaccination registry, or is otherwise verifiable by the individual’s vaccination provider or another state or federal entity; and
  7. The individual is not an excluded or ineligible person described in Section IV.C below entitled “Excluded or Ineligible Persons”.

C. Excluded or Ineligible Persons

All of the following individuals are not eligible for the Shot At A Million Promotion and cannot receive any of the prizes awarded under the Shot At A Million Promotion.

  1. LDH employees, and their respective supervisors, in the following agencies, bureaus, sections, and their “immediate family members” as defined by the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, are excluded from participation in the Shot At A Million Promotion and shall not be eligible to receive a prize as a result thereof:
    1. Employees holding the following positions: Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Undersecretary, Executive Counsel, all Assistant Secretaries, State Health Officer, General Counsel, and any other employee of LDH that is appointed by the Governor or Secretary of LDH;
    2. Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Legal Services, Contracts Section;
    3. Office of Public Health Bureau of Infectious Disease, Immunization Section
    4. Office of Public Health, Bureau of Infectious Disease, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section
    5. Office of Public Health, Bureau of Health Informatics
    6. Office of Public Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary
    7. Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Media and Communications
  2. State of Louisiana employees, and their respective supervisor, in the following agencies, bureaus, sections, and their “immediate family members” as defined by the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, are excluded from participation in the Shot At A Million Promotion and shall not be eligible to receive a prize as a result thereof:
    1. Employees holding the following positions: Commissioner of Administration, Deputy Commissioner of Administration, General Counsel within the Division of Administration, and Executive Counsel within the Division of Administration;
    2. Employees within the Office of the Governor; a
    3. Any member of the Governor’s Cabinet; and
    4. Any official, member or employee within the Office of the Louisiana Legislative Auditor.
  3. Employees of the Louisiana Lottery Corporation, and their “immediate family members” as defined by the Code of Governmental Ethics, are excluded from participation in the Shot At A Million Promotion and shall not be eligible to receive a prize as a result.
  4. In addition to the above, employees or contractors of the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), the Louisiana Division of Administration, the Louisiana Department of Revenue, the Louisiana Board of Regents, the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance, and their “immediate family members” as defined by the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, that have had any role in the development, initiation, or operations of the “Shot At A Million” lottery or its promotion, are excluded from participation in the Shot At a Million Promotion and shall not be eligible to receive a prize as a result thereof. Development, initiation, or operations includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Tasks related to developing and implementing the Shot At A Million Promotion;
    2. Tasks related to rules/terms/conditions that govern the Shot At A Million Promotion, eligibility for the Promotion, or verification of eligibility to participate in the Promotion;
    3. Tasks related to verifying whether selected individuals meet the criteria for receipt of prizes;
    4. Tasks related to promotion or outreach of the Shot At A Million Promotion;
    5. Tasks related to the actual operation of the Shot At A Million Promotion including, but not limited to, selection of the potential winners, verification of the potential winners, and related tasks;
    6. Tasks related to the “call center” that will facilitate entry/registration of potential individuals into the Shot At A Million Promotion;
    7. Tasks related, in any way, to the development, operation, or monitoring of the web page that will facilitate entry into the Shot At A Million Promotion of potential individuals via that medium;
    8. Tasks related to the facilitation of receipt of any prizes that are to be awarded in relation to the Shot At A Million Promotion; and
    9. Tasks directly related to the allocation of, or provision of, funding that is being utilized to provide the Shot At A Million prizes.

V. Verification:

All winner information and eligibility will be reviewed prior to the declaration of an Official Winner. Potential winners’ information will be validated by State of Louisiana officials. Final decisions as to winner verification and declaration is at the sole discretion of the Louisiana Department of Health. An independent entity has been contracted to review the verification and declaration process.

In the event that an entry is deemed invalid, a discrepancy is found, or the winner cannot be located based upon the contact information submitted, the next sequential alternate provided to LDH by the Louisiana Lottery Corporation shall be selected in place of the ineligible or un-locatable winner.

In the event that the winner does not wish to receive a prize, refuses or fails to provide verification information, or does not respond within twenty-four (24) hours to the initial contact by State of Louisiana officials, that winner will be deemed ineligible, and an alternate will be used. If it is determined that an alternate will be used, the winner that was deemed ineligible will forfeit any prizes associated with the Promotion.

The promptness and degree of reasonableness of efforts to locate a winner or of any decision to deem a winner ineligible based upon these rules shall be at the sole discretion of the State of Louisiana.

Alternates will be used in the order in which they were selected (i.e., alternate one (1) will be used first, alternate two (2) second and so on) as vacated spots become available.

Any information registered for or by a minor child must be validated by a parent or legal guardian prior to award of a prize. The entry form for individuals ages 12 to 17 years old must include a parent or legal guardian’s information, including their name, address, phone number and email address.

Any information registered for or by an adult under a guardianship, tutorship, or interdiction must be validated by the legal guardian, tutor or curator prior to the award of the prize. Proof of guardianship, tutorship or curatorship shall be required as part of the verification process.

By submitting a registration and entering the drawing, the individual/participant grants the Louisiana Department of Health explicit authorization to access necessary vaccination records and contact vaccination providers to verify that a COVID-19 vaccination has been administered. The COVID-19 vaccination is not required to be administered in the State of Louisiana; however, proof and verification of vaccination, to the satisfaction of the State of Louisiana, are still required to participate in the program. For individuals receiving either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, at least the first COVID-19 vaccination must be administered prior to the entry deadline.

Acceptance of the prize constitutes explicit permission for the State of Louisiana and its agencies to use the prize winner’s name and/or likeness worldwide, in perpetuity, for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation or royalty, notification or permission unless prohibited by law, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised. Further, acceptance of the prize constitutes explicit consent for reasonable requests to participate in press events and public service announcements regarding this Promotion and COVID-19 vaccinations. Further, by accepting a prize, each prize winner agrees to hold the State of Louisiana, including its Governor, Lieutenant Governor, any of its employees, commissioners, department heads, owners, directors, officers, affiliates, subsidiaries, contractors, assignees and agents, absolutely harmless against any and all claims and/or liability arising out of the ownership and/or use of a prize. Each prize winner assumes all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused, by participation in the Promotion or use or redemption of any prize. The State of Louisiana makes no warranty, guarantee or representation of any kind concerning any prize (or any portion thereof) and disclaims any implied warranty. By participating in the Promotion, all entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules.

All materials submitted become the property of the State of Louisiana and will not be returned.

VI. Prizes – General Information:

The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) is offering the chance to win $100,000 cash or a $100,000 scholarship on four consecutive Fridays beginning in July of 2021, as well as a chance to win a grand prize of $1,000,000 cash and one of five $100,000 college scholarships on Friday, August 13, 2021.

Eligible individuals 18 years of age and older may enter for a chance to win one of four $100,000 cash prizes and a grand prize of $1,000,000 cash.

Eligible individuals ages 12 to 17 years of age may enter for a chance to win one of nine $100,000 scholarships.

All prize details shall be determined in the sole and absolute discretion of the State of Louisiana. Individuals who do not meet the eligibility requirements defined in these official rules are not eligible to win.

Any prize awarded under this Shot At A Million Promotion will be reduced or offset by debts/monies (such as child support and other debts collected by the Office of Debt Recovery) owed to the State of Louisiana, if applicable.

Only one prize under this Promotion may be awarded to and claimed by a winner. Once an individual has been selected and announced as a winner, that individual is ineligible for further prizes under this Promotion and the individual’s name/registration will be removed from future drawings under this Promotion.

Verification of all information must be presented to claim any prize.

All prizes awarded under the Shot At A Million Promotion may be considered income for purposes of federal and state taxes, for governmental program eligibility, and for other financial assistance.

VII. Cash Prizes:

Cash prizes are nontransferable to any other person or individual, including relatives or friends.

Fulfillment of the prize will occur approximately six (6) weeks after the announcement date for cash prizes.

For cash prizes, the winner will be responsible for any taxes associated with this prize. Federal, State and Local taxes are the sole responsibility of the applicable drawing winners. An IRS Form 1099 or other applicable tax forms will be issued by the State of Louisiana to each applicable winner. All federal, state and local laws, applicable taxes, and regulations apply. The State of Louisiana may withhold estimated federal and state taxes on cash prizes.

VIII. Scholarship Prizes:

Scholarship prizes are subject to the rules and requirements of the Louisiana Shot At A Million START Saving plan/account, a Louisiana 529 College Savings plan, (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “SAAM START Saving account”), which may allow transfer of the account funds in certain situations once the SAAM START Savings account has been established.

For the scholarship drawing prizes for ages 12 to 17, the funds will be distributed by the Louisiana Department of Health to a SAAM START Saving account established on behalf of the winner. The winner/recipient will become the beneficiary of the SAAM START Savings account.

Winners of the scholarships will be notified of the specifics of Louisiana’s 529 College Savings Plan, the SAAM START Savings plan/account, and its accompanying terms and conditions.

A SAAM START Savings plan/account must be established by the winner and/or parent(s) or legal guardian of the winner within ninety (90) days of the announcement of the winner of the scholarship. Winners of the scholarships, as well as parent(s) and legal guardians, will have access to the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance for assistance with establishing the SAAM START Savings plan/account. To review information concerning the SAAM START Saving Plan, winners can go to www.startsaving.la.gov. Failure to establish a SAAM START Savings plan/account within ninety (90) days of announcement will result in forfeiture of the entire prize.

Fulfillment of the prize will occur approximately six (6) weeks after the establishment of a Louisiana 529 College Savings plan, the SAAM START Saving plan/account, for scholarship winners; the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance shall notify the Louisiana Department of Health of the establishment of each scholarship winner’s SAAM START Saving Plan and provide sufficient account information to enable the transfer of such scholarship funds to the winner’s SAAM START Saving Plan.

For scholarship prizes, the State of Louisiana will pay estimated federal and state taxes on the scholarship on behalf of the scholarship winner. The full scholarship amount of $100,000 will be disbursed into the timely established SAAM START Savings Plan. An IRS Form W2-G or other applicable tax forms will be issued by the State of Louisiana to each applicable winner for the scholarship amount and the paid estimated taxes. If any of the paid estimated federal or state taxes is received via federal or state tax refund to the winner, his/her parent(s), or legal guardian, such refunds shall be deposited into the established SAAM START Savings Plan within ninety (90) calendar days of receipt. Any federal and state taxes in excess of the paid estimated taxes shall be the responsibility of the winner, his/her parent(s), and legal guardian. The scholarship fund and estimated federal and state taxes are subject to audit for compliance with these terms and conditions. All federal, state and local laws, applicable taxes, and regulations apply.

Scholarship winners and their parents and legal guardians are encouraged to seek tax advice.

IX. Internet Conduct and Limitations of Liability:

Any attempt by a user, participant or any other individual to deliberately damage the Shot At A Million website or undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion, is a violation of criminal and civil laws, and should such an attempt be made, the State of Louisiana reserves the right to seek the prosecution of and/or damages from any such person or persons as permitted by law. Furthermore, such person may be excluded from the Promotion.

Neither the State of Louisiana, nor the Governor of the State of Louisiana, the Lieutenant Governor, any of its employees, commissioners, department heads, owners, directors, officers, affiliates, subsidiaries, contractors, assignees and agents are responsible for late, or incomplete or misdirected entries, or responsible for incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by the website, or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in this Promotion.

Neither the State of Louisiana, nor the Governor of the State of Louisiana, the Lieutenant Governor, any of its employees, commissioners, department heads, owners, directors, officers, affiliates, subsidiaries, contractors, assignees and agents are responsible for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communication failure, regardless of cause, with regard to any equipment, systems, networks, lines, satellites, servers, computers or providers utilized in any aspect of the operation of the Promotion, which may include without limitation, inaccessibility or unavailability of the internet, the website or any combination thereof; theft or destruction or unauthorized access of the website; any injury or damage to the participants or to any other person’s computer(s) or smartphone related to or resulting from participating in this Promotion, or downloading materials from or use of the website.

X. Random Drawing and Results:

The winners of the drawings will be randomly selected from among all entries received, subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

Potential winners drawn and verified will be declared the official winners of the Shot At A Million drawings.

XI. General Provisions:

The Shot At A Million Official Rules and Drawing Procedures used by the Louisiana Lottery Corporation are available for review and may be amended or revised at any time at the sole discretion of the President & CEO of the Lottery and the Secretary of the Department of Health. The drawings will be observed by representatives of the Auditor of the State.

The State of Louisiana, at its discretion, reserves the right to select and/or change the prize(s) to be awarded as part of this Promotion or end the Promotion prior to all prize winners being drawn.

The State of Louisiana is not responsible or liable for any error, omission, or any technical problem related to the Shot At A Million Promotion, including but not limited to entries, submissions, website problems, application problems, internet problems, call-center problems, or problems with a person’s computer. If for some reason, the Shot At A Million Promotion is not capable of running as originally planned, the State of Louisiana has the right to modify, suspend, or cancel all or any portion of the Shot At A Million Promotion or the rules, terms, and conditions set forth herein.

XII. Acknowledgements:

By submitting an entry or registering with the Shot At A Million Promotion, or accepting any prize from the Shot At A Million Promotion, all individuals:

  1. agree to comply with the rules, terms, and conditions of the Shot At A Million Promotion;
  2. agree to accept the State of Louisiana’s interpretation of the rules, terms, and conditions in executing the Shot At A Million Promotion;
  3. agree that the decisions of the State of Louisiana regarding the Shot At A Million Promotion are binding and final; and
  4. agree that the prize winnings will be reduced and/or offset by debts/monies (such as child support and other debts collected by the Office of Debt Recovery) owed to the State of Louisiana, if applicable.
